Position and temperature

The natural habitat of African violets is the rainforest, where they grow in the shade of big trees, protected from the sharp African sun - but still receiving enough light.

Ideally, African violets should be placed on the apron of the eastern, northern, or in some cases also western windows. Southern window can also be a good place for your violets, but you need to be careful and shade the violets from direct sharp sun, to avoid unaesthetic burnt stains on leaves and flowers.

Remember to always put your violets in a place with sufficient light. Violets that do not receive enough light rarely bloom, have too clear and too long leaves, don’t grow and look sick.

African violet burnt by sun

African violet with flowers and leaves burnt by sun

If you don’t have a place that provides enough natural light, you can also use artificial light. It is usually a good alternative to the natural light, and sometimes it provides even better results, since the light from artificial sources is more stable and there is no risk to burn the violet, as with sun rays.

African violet flower buds

Another important factor in growing African violets is the temperature, which should always be between 18 and 27 degrees Celsius (64.4 and 80.6 Fahrenheit). Lower or higher temperatures are not recommendable and can damage the plant.