Shipping conditions and costs

If you don’t find an answer to your question below, do not hesitate to contact me. 


Where do I ship?

I ship in most of the European countries. The prices below are indicative and may vary slightly. Please always check the exact price with me before ordering. If your country is not on the list, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

shipping costs

Is it possible to see the exact plant I will receive before ordering?

Of course, I will be happy to send you a photo of the exact plant before ordering. 

What are the sizes of the plants I ship?


A single leaf from a plant of your choice.

Shipped in a sealed bag with name tag. 

Young starter plant

Young plants coming from a leaf propagation or sucker propagation and they haven’t bloomed yet.

Shipped in a plastic pot with name tag, and date of potting.

African violets young plant to sell

Adult plant

Adult plants (≥1 year old) that have already bloomed, and been repotted multiple times, therefore it is validated that they bloom true. 

Shipped in a plastic pot with name tag, and date of repotting. They may be blooming at the time of shipment. 

I wick water all my adult plants (to know more about wick watering, click here). 


African violets adult plants available for sale

Are there any weather conditions in which African violets cannot be shipped?

It is my priority that you receive a healthy plant in the best possible conditions. African violets are sensitive to low or high temperatures, and might be damaged during transport if the right temperature is not maintained. The temperatures shouldn’t fall under 10°C or rise above 28°C during the entire transport time. 

How to order an African violet from Naturally Violet?

You can contact me using the email or my facebook page.